5 Ways to Embrace Learning Moments to Transform Workplace Culture


“Fear of failure is one of the most devastating and disabling emotions within business. So, we said, ‘We don’t make mistakes, we have learning moments.’ A learning moment is a positive or negative outcome of any situation that needs to be openly and freely shared with all people. So that’s why I call it the … Read more



I was chatting with a former colleague about how things were going with family and at work. She’s been with her current employer for about seven or eight years now. When I asked her about her next career move, I was a little surprised about the focus of her response. She said, “I’m going to … Read more

Partnership: 5 Ways influence can build it


As spring emerges and Daylight Savings ends, the air begins to warm, the trees bloom, and tulips stretch their beautiful petals to soak in the sun. Even though I don’t like them buzzing around me, the bees go from flower to flower, pollinating the beauty of the season. Partnership 5 Ways Influence Can Build It. … Read more


Inclusive workplace

The daffodils and crocuses of early spring are soon joined by tulips and primroses, bringing vibrant colors, a variety of shapes, and depth to gardens. The plants grow together and bloom at different times and in different ways. This garden is nurtured, watered, and groomed with tender care to maintain its elegance and embrace its … Read more

4 Ways to Practice Empathy at Work to Build Partnership

Daffodils My Yard

I love spring! The days are getting a little longer, adding a few more minutes of radiating sunshine each day. Daffodils and crocuses spring up from the thawing ground, almost out of nowhere. These bulbs have endured harsh winter conditions. Yet with the help of the sun, nutrients and rain, they bloom again, showcasing the … Read more

Leading Through a Layoff

Team discussion

If you are a leader faced with having to furlough or layoff employees during this COVID-19 pandemic, you’re feeling the pressure. You’re having to make tough decisions about your workforce. Through this process, you need to consider not only how to have the conversations with those affected employees, but also the team that remains. In … Read more

Emotional Impact of Change

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[Watch the video here.] During my executive leadership development session, we looked at three factors related to leading change that I know you can benefit from. Ask yourself these questions… First, have you considered how the volume of the change you’re asking employees to juggle is putting significant strain on the wellbeing of your workforce, … Read more

3 Myths C-Suite Executives Must Avoid

C-Suite Executive with employee

Your brightest talent is ready to walk out the door. Why? C-Suite executives are operating by three long-standing myths about leadership that don’t align with what you expect from others. Your operating leaders are stuck in the middle of this “do as I say, not as I do” culture. These three myths are sabotaging C-Suite executives. … Read more

Leadership Warning Signs

Podcast Inside Leadership Warning Leadership Warning Signs

Recently some fellow Forbes Councils members, Tonya Echols and Frances McIntosh, and I combined our segments for a podcast to share our advice on negative leadership traits and how to deal with them. You’ll take away useful techniques to deal with any problematic leaders that you have in your career. As well as learning that “toxic” managers are a … Read more

How to identify when you are stuck in your career (and what to do about it!)

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It can be hard to face the reality that you’re either making progress in your career, marking time, or falling behind… And if you’re marking time or falling behind, you’re probably stuck! Here are some “tell-tale” signs that your career may have stalled… If any of these scenarios resonate with you, it’s time to take … Read more

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