Sell Your Value – 4 Reason’s HR’s Influence Matters


Human Resources (HR) plays a critical role in the success of any organization. As an HR professional, you are responsible for managing and developing the company’s most valuable asset: its people. To achieve this, HR professionals need to be influential in the organization, meaning that you need to have the ability to persuade others to … Read more

5 RELATIONSHIP Mistakes HR Professionals Make & How to Avoid Them


As an HR professional, you are uniquely positioned to be a strategic partner in the decision-making processes across your entire organization. The birds-eye view you bring from HR can help your organization adapt to new technologies, changing demographics, and a shifting economy.  But, of course, it is up to HR to make the case for … Read more

3 Ways to Inspire Staff Retention & Engagement Today


We’re at a time of dramatic change across all areas in our lives. For leaders who cling to the old ways of doing things, it makes today’s environment very difficult to navigate. Remote and hybrid work arrangements, along with shifting priorities of employees, are challenging traditional leadership models. And companies that don’t adapt will suffer. 3 … Read more

5 ways to tackle the challenges of 2022 with resilience

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December is often a time for reflection.  As the end of the calendar year approaches it’s only natural to think about the successes and challenges we faced over the previous 12 months.  For many of us it has been a real struggle. And it’s important to acknowledge that.  Whether it was personal, professional, societal, financial, … Read more

Stop settling and reclaim your professional agency

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One of my coaching clients was dealing with a stressful work environment because of a toxic leader. This leader had been with the company for over twenty years, was politically connected, and was unwilling to receive constructive feedback.  My client, worn down by the negativity and lack of support for her team, eventually gave up … Read more

Victimhood is the greatest threat to your personal and professional agency

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As you build personal resilience, you’re in a better position to inspire collective team and organizational resilience.  However, along the path to resilience there are challenges that all of us must overcome. And these challenges are often out of our control. This can make us feel powerless and alone.  Many years ago when I was … Read more

Women of Color Navigating the Career Environment: Using Male Dominated Strategies to “FuelForward”

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By: Vonya Hodrick & Vivian Blade Published by: National Career Development Association (NCDA) The article, Women of Color Navigating the Career Environment: Using Male Dominated Strategies to “FuelForward”, by Vonya Hodrick & Vivian Blade, originally appeared in NCDA’s web magazine, Career Convergence, at Copyright © June 2019. Reprinted with permission. The career environment is complex, with formal … Read more

When did you last consider your ‘How’?

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Dangerously Unaware I was starting a new position and had heard about the General Manager’s reputation. He had grown up in his career running manufacturing facilities and had a tough-guy type of approach to leadership. In his new General Manager role, he was leading a corporate function, which required a different leadership style. I remember … Read more

10 Social Media Mistakes That Can Derail Your Career

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Monica was a manager for a mid-sized financial services firm. She managed a team of eight people. She was very outgoing and social, a high “I” (Influencing) on her DISC profile. She was known at work as a connector. She seemed to know everyone and was the go-to person for what was going on behind … Read more

Copyright 2023 Vivian Blade