HR of the Future – 3 Skills You Must Master

HR of the Future

“Human Capital is the most important form of business capital.” Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., President & CEO, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). I was one of the speakers for the SHRM 2023 Annual Conference & Expo in Las Vegas with 25,000 HR Professionals strong in attendance (more on that later.) The theme of this … Read more

5 Actions to Take Right Now to Achieve Peak Career Resilience

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By its very definition – a crisis is a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. Does that sound familiar?  Covid has certainly been difficult, troubling and dangerous – and not just for health reasons. Organizations, teams and individuals have been in a constant state for flux for over 18 months, with false starts to … Read more

Career Resilience for Women – 5 Actions to Take Now Post Feature 7

A crisis throws you many curve balls. The COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. It’s changed practically everything. You’ve had to adapt on a dime, including in your career. Here are three significant trends women still need to watch out for… A Tight Job Market The impact of layoffs and furloughs is still being felt by … Read more

“No Excuses” Monthly Guide to Transforming My Career

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Count the number of times you’ve made a New Year’s resolution to be more intentional about working on your career. By the end of January, work and life have gotten so busy, you haven’t done anything. ‘My career’ gets pushed farther down on your to-do list. Contributing to the problem is the fact that you … Read more

Women of Color Navigating the Career Environment: Using Male Dominated Strategies to “FuelForward”

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By: Vonya Hodrick & Vivian Blade Published by: National Career Development Association (NCDA) The article, Women of Color Navigating the Career Environment: Using Male Dominated Strategies to “FuelForward”, by Vonya Hodrick & Vivian Blade, originally appeared in NCDA’s web magazine, Career Convergence, at Copyright © June 2019. Reprinted with permission. The career environment is complex, with formal … Read more

Why are Women So Underrepresented in Leadership?

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You see it around you. And, you’ve experienced it yourself. When you look at the leadership ranks of many companies, women are largely underrepresented. In fact, the latest study by and McKinsey on Women in the Workplace found that women continue to miss opportunities to be promoted into their first leadership roles early in … Read more

Leadership Warning Signs

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Recently some fellow Forbes Councils members, Tonya Echols and Frances McIntosh, and I combined our segments for a podcast to share our advice on negative leadership traits and how to deal with them. You’ll take away useful techniques to deal with any problematic leaders that you have in your career. As well as learning that “toxic” managers are a … Read more

How to identify when you are stuck in your career (and what to do about it!)

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It can be hard to face the reality that you’re either making progress in your career, marking time, or falling behind… And if you’re marking time or falling behind, you’re probably stuck! Here are some “tell-tale” signs that your career may have stalled… If any of these scenarios resonate with you, it’s time to take … Read more

Unprepared for Leadership?

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Congratulations, you’ve just been promoted to a management position. Now, what do you do? You’re excited about your new role. But, also a little unsettled because you’re trying to figure things out as you go. Unfortunately, your preparation to step into a leadership role has been minimal to non-existent. Or, given the demands of your … Read more

Copyright 2023 Vivian Blade