3 Costly Talent Retention Mistakes You Need to Avoid


In today’s disruptive business environment, retaining top talent is more critical than ever. Yet many organizations still stumble over common pitfalls when addressing turnover. Let’s explore three prevalent mistakes companies make and how to avoid them. Mistake #1: Overemphasis on the Traditional Employee Lifecycle One of the most common mistakes is focusing excessively on the … Read more

4 Non-Negotiables Businesses Need to Embrace to Attract & Retain Top-Tier Talent

4 Non-Negotiables to Attract Top Talents

Despite some talk of recession, we are still in an era where the labor market is tight and organizations have to work in order to recruit and retain the best talent. The market for high-quality talent is hyper-competitive, and it’s no longer just about offering a competitive salary. The new-age professionals are looking for much … Read more

4 Ways HR Leaders Can Enhance the Employee Life Cycle Experience

4 Ways HR Leaders Can Enhance the Employee Life Cycle Experience

These days, enhancing the employee lifecycle experience is not a choice, it’s an imperative. There are 4 Ways HR Leaders Can Enhance the Employee Life Cycle Experience. The cost to replace an employee who leaves your company is 1.5 to 2 times their annual salary. You can’t afford that. Instead, invest in enhancing the employee … Read more

3 Ways to Inspire Staff Retention & Engagement Today


We’re at a time of dramatic change across all areas in our lives. For leaders who cling to the old ways of doing things, it makes today’s environment very difficult to navigate. Remote and hybrid work arrangements, along with shifting priorities of employees, are challenging traditional leadership models. And companies that don’t adapt will suffer. 3 … Read more

11 tips to lead your team through restructuring

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Ineffective crisis leadership of your operations and, most importantly, your human capital will cripple your organization. That is the main takeaway from my book, Resilience Ready: The Leader’s Guide to Thriving Through Unrelenting Crises. Even though unemployment is currently low, inflation is very high, and companies are signalling that dark clouds may be on the … Read more

10 Ways to Effectively Lead in a Post-Pandemic Workplace

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Even in the best of times a leader’s job is challenging. But of course this isn’t the best of times. We’re continually forced to adapt and change faster than we’ve ever had to before.  Work-from-home or return-to-office? Hybrid or not? How we manage all of this will impact our ability to retain and attract top … Read more

7 Steps You Can Take Right Now to Retain Top Talent

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It’s been more than two years of unrelenting crises.  Socially, economically, and personally we have all struggled. Many of us were forced into remote work situations that left us disconnected from our peers and friends.  That lack of real connection is one of the reasons for the “Great Resignation.” In fact, according to PWC, 1 … Read more

3 Leadership Gaps Threatening Your Future

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Here’s a truth most organizations are not prepared to admit: leaders are dangerously unprepared to guide their teams through a crisis.  Critical gaps exist in the development of resilience ready leaders, which is a significant obstacle threatening leaders’ ability to operate with resilience, both personally and professionally.  It’s not only individuals who get stuck at … Read more

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