Have You Made the Shift?

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I want to share a new podcast with you which has become one of my favorites!  Career Dreams is a popular podcast produced by FORUM Credit Union with hosts Michelle Baker and Chase Batt, leading HR and Talent Development professionals. Whatever the point in your career, there’s something you can take away and use from … Read more

4 steps that take your personal resilience to the next level

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You have what it takes to be successful. Sometimes you just have to tell fear to step aside and tell the negative voices inside your head they are not welcome.  At times, those negative voices come from other people. Sometimes people mean well and don’t realize the damper they are putting on your dreams. Let … Read more

5 ways to tackle the challenges of 2022 with resilience

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

December is often a time for reflection.  As the end of the calendar year approaches it’s only natural to think about the successes and challenges we faced over the previous 12 months.  For many of us it has been a real struggle. And it’s important to acknowledge that.  Whether it was personal, professional, societal, financial, … Read more

5 Actions to Take Right Now to Achieve Peak Career Resilience

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By its very definition – a crisis is a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. Does that sound familiar?  Covid has certainly been difficult, troubling and dangerous – and not just for health reasons. Organizations, teams and individuals have been in a constant state for flux for over 18 months, with false starts to … Read more

Career Resilience for Women – 5 Actions to Take Now

Stencil.blog Post Feature 7

A crisis throws you many curve balls. The COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. It’s changed practically everything. You’ve had to adapt on a dime, including in your career. Here are three significant trends women still need to watch out for… A Tight Job Market The impact of layoffs and furloughs is still being felt by … Read more

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