Leading Through a Layoff

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If you are a leader faced with having to furlough or layoff employees during this COVID-19 pandemic, you’re feeling the pressure. You’re having to make tough decisions about your workforce. Through this process, you need to consider not only how to have the conversations with those affected employees, but also the team that remains. In … Read more

Work the Problem

I am really happy to announce the launch of the new book published by the Association for Talent Development, “Work the Problem: How Experts Tackle Workplace Challenges“. I am a contributing author to the book, my second for ATD, providing expert strategies and advice for leaders and individual contributors. In the book, I talk about Career Crossroads. … Read more

This Fundamental Career Mistake Holds Women Back

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Women believe that they have to be the best at ‘getting the job done’. They have to prove themselves… prove that they are the most committed and capable.  Your mistake? This is what you almost exclusively focus on. Yet, when leaders make promotion decisions, that’s not the primary deciding factor.  Women go through their careers … Read more

Women Play Catch-Up Their Entire Careers

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In my coaching practice, I run across a number of female professionals who are frustrated with their career progression. They feel like they’ve been committed to the company, working endless hours and doing what it takes to get the job done and then some.  A big part of the problem is, they feel like they’re … Read more

8 steps to survive being a “stayer”…

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Your employer has announced layoffs and extended early retirement to a number of employees. You’re among the employees who are not leaving and, at least for now, will remain employed. We often consider the colleagues who are staying the lucky ones, yet, don’t realize that this is an emotional and challenging time for them, too. … Read more

5 steps to surviving a career transition

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“Fortune 100 Company Lays Off Employees” “Corporate Restructuring Offers Early Retirement to Hundreds of Employees.” You see these headlines all too often. You may have been personally impacted or know someone who has by announcements like these. My family has been personally impacted by both. An unexpected layoff or early retirement brings with it a … Read more

Leading through transitions

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Even though unemployment is low, companies are still restructuring. Companies are facing uncertainty in healthcare, new business models in grocery retail, and new competition in other industries. In order to remain competitive and take out cost, companies turn to restructuring their workforce with approaches such as layoffs or early retirement offers. My husband’s employer offered … Read more

7 Steps To Strengthen Your Leadership Pipeline

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What usually happens when you leave something to the last minute? It never turns out as good as it could. The same goes for your leadership talent readiness. Leave it to the last minute, and your company’s leadership talent is not as good as it needs to be. The problem is that companies wait to … Read more

4 Practices to Hack Your Experience Gap

Hack Your Experience Gap

One of the biggest challenges for professionals is gaining the experience needed to land the next position in their career. This mirrors one of the biggest challenges for companies – a pipeline of experienced professionals ready for the leadership positions they are hired into.  A recent Deloitte study* confirms this ‘readiness gap’, with twenty-eight percent … Read more

10 Practices To Help Your Employees Shine During High-Pressure Times

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As a leader, you’ve lived through it before — the final push at the end of the quarter or year. It’s all hands on deck to make the numbers in what seems like a wild frenzy to meet customer needs and financial commitments. And don’t forget, the regular work doesn’t stop during this time; you still have … Read more

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