
Insightful Thought Leadership


3 Tips to Align Your Resources for Success in 2024

Employees leave their jobs because they are missing a connection to both personal and professional purpose. #ReslienceReady It’s Monday. You walk into work, yet again, uncertain about what the day or week will bring. In ever-changing times like we’re experiencing now, customer needs and how they need your organization often shift. Recalibrating purpose and priorities … Read more

Stuck in ‘Meh’? 4 Actions to Turn It Around

“We have so much going on in the world from a political, social, and economic lens that many of us are feeling the sense of continuing to languish or the sense of ‘meh’.” — Michael Davis, Principal, Mind Share Partners Blurred Vision from Challenges As you navigate through a challenge, it’s common to experience a … Read more
Why Mark Twain Quote

WHY – Your Catalyst to Success in 2024

Engage employees in reshaping your purpose to get the best ideas and to grow commitment for the difficult journey ahead. #ResilienceReady “I rarely get excited to go in to work anymore. I don’t feel like my work matters anyway. Does anybody even notice?” Have you heard these words before? Maybe from someone on your team? … Read more
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Take Control: Perspective and Accountability

You own your outcomes based on your perspective. #ResilienceReady  During times of change, challenge, and chaos, it’s easy to find yourself letting the situation control you. “This, too, shall pass.” The Power of Accountability “Power-Up Your Accountability” is not just a slogan; it’s a strategic approach to managing change and personal growth. Accountability in the … Read more
Finally... Put Fear in Its Place

Finally… Put Fear in Its Place

Evaluate your current situation so that you can deal with the truth and find an appropriate path forward. #ResilienceReady Fear – your natural response to the unknown. Where has fear shown up for you recently? Fear hinders progress and blocks resilience.  Stop the Lies Realize that the made-up stories you beat yourself up with just … Read more
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Your Journey to Becoming Resilience Ready Starts Here

The lens through which you view today’s reality colors the lens through which you see and realize your future. #ResilienceReady Debbie Downer. Gloomy Gus. You know them. You don’t want to be around them. Their perspective on everything is hopeless and helpless. The negativity is like dead weight constantly pulling you down.  Perspective is vital … Read more

3 Resilience Ready Conditions You’re Likely Missing

“There is this persona [in the military] that everyone is strong. Stressors don’t affect them. But it really wasn’t true. It not only wasn’t true for the people who I was leading, it really wasn’t true for me either. We pack it down, and we don’t ever talk about these things. I discovered by not … Read more
10 Questions to Jump-Start Resilience

10 Critical Questions to Jump-Start Resilience

“Increasing Speed, Strengthening Resilience” – the #1 most significant shift facing organizations today, according to McKinsey & Company’s The State of Organizations 2023 report. While more than 60% of leaders report that organizational resilience will become more important in the future, 50% report their organizations are not well prepared for future disruption over the next … Read more
The Power of HR Strategy

The Power of HR Strategy in an Evolving Future of Work

In this episode of GGG Unleashed: Better Leaders, Better Workplaces, we are joined by Lisa Johnson, a seasoned HR professional with a wealth of experience across manufacturing and other industries. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of work, Lisa sheds light on the importance of HR strategy and how it can shape the success of … Read more
Reengineering Talent Retention

Reengineering Talent Retention: A New Lifecycle Model

Human-Centric Talent Lifecycle Experience

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