Create more human experiences at work Post Feature 2

I just wanted to take a quick minute to tell you about a virtual conference I’ll be speaking at in September. The Fusion 2.0 Conference runs from September 13th to 15th, 2022 (you choose your days) and brings together leaders and change-makers from multiple disciplines to break down silos and create more human experiences at … Read more

Who Do You Aspire To Be?

As we reflect on Women’s History Month I look back on the women who have inspired me, day to day, throughout my life. Not every hero is standing in the spotlight but standing in the background women everywhere are creating opportunities for future generations. Watch my latest vlog to see how women throughout history have paved the … Read more

Who Says You’re Not Good Enough?

If you can’t see the value you bring to the table and you struggle to convince others of your contribution… even though you’re eager to change the game for your career… you probably feel undervalued and frustrated… and, it’s not your fault! I often have clients come to me who have been told time and … Read more

How To Lead With Your Strengths

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Whether it’s feedback during your performance review or after an interview, you seem to always hear about the development areas you need to work on. You begin to compare yourself to your teammates. You feel like you’re not good enough. You seek training for this and mentoring for that. You feel like you’re chasing an … Read more

Don’t get left behind in your career…

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Are you where you want to be in your career? If you’re not progressing to fulfill your true potential, don’t worry, it’s not your fault… Watch our latest vlog to discover the main frustrations women have when trying to progress up the career ladder and how to make sure you don’t get left behind… How do … Read more

This Fundamental Career Mistake Holds Women Back

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Women believe that they have to be the best at ‘getting the job done’. They have to prove themselves… prove that they are the most committed and capable.  Your mistake? This is what you almost exclusively focus on. Yet, when leaders make promotion decisions, that’s not the primary deciding factor.  Women go through their careers … Read more

Can Social Media Really Effect My Executive Presence?

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Pamela had spent months sending out resumes and applying for jobs. She was ready to make a change in her career. She had eleven years of experience in her field, had a master’s degree, and had earned the recognized professional certifications. So, she was well qualified. Pamela was very active on social media. She posted … Read more

Do You Have Executive Presence?

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Vicky had just finished giving her project update at the department meeting. She felt relieved that it finally was over.  She had been so busy, she hadn’t had time to prepare as much as she would have liked.  So, she was nervous. Vicky’s boss, Juanita, wanted to speak with her after the meeting. “Vicky,” she … Read more

Get Out of That Rut

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Lisa was one of the hardest-working people on her team. She would come into the office early most days and stay late to get the job done. Then, she’d head home for the evening. She got a lot of pats on the back; plenty of attaboys, and ’thanks for being so committed.’  But, she found herself … Read more

Why Your Boss May Be Agitated With You

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“Hard to Find: Workers With Good ‘Soft Skills’,”  was the focus of a recent article published in the Wall Street Journal.  According to this article “companies across the US say it is becoming increasingly difficult to find applicants who can communicate clearly, take initiative, problem-solve and get along with co-workers.”  Other research shows similar trends.  … Read more

Copyright 2023 Vivian Blade