Have You Made the Shift?

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I want to share a new podcast with you which has become one of my favorites!  Career Dreams is a popular podcast produced by FORUM Credit Union with hosts Michelle Baker and Chase Batt, leading HR and Talent Development professionals. Whatever the point in your career, there’s something you can take away and use from … Read more

11 tips to lead your team through restructuring

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Ineffective crisis leadership of your operations and, most importantly, your human capital will cripple your organization. That is the main takeaway from my book, Resilience Ready: The Leader’s Guide to Thriving Through Unrelenting Crises. Even though unemployment is currently low, inflation is very high, and companies are signalling that dark clouds may be on the … Read more

5 Actions to Take Right Now to Achieve Peak Career Resilience

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By its very definition – a crisis is a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. Does that sound familiar?  Covid has certainly been difficult, troubling and dangerous – and not just for health reasons. Organizations, teams and individuals have been in a constant state for flux for over 18 months, with false starts to … Read more

Victimhood is the greatest threat to your personal and professional agency

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As you build personal resilience, you’re in a better position to inspire collective team and organizational resilience.  However, along the path to resilience there are challenges that all of us must overcome. And these challenges are often out of our control. This can make us feel powerless and alone.  Many years ago when I was … Read more

Career Resilience for Women – 5 Actions to Take Now

Stencil.blog Post Feature 7

A crisis throws you many curve balls. The COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. It’s changed practically everything. You’ve had to adapt on a dime, including in your career. Here are three significant trends women still need to watch out for… A Tight Job Market The impact of layoffs and furloughs is still being felt by … Read more

5 Steps to Surviving a Layoff

Layoff; box of belongings

Layoff… You may have been personally impacted or know someone who has. We’ve felt the impact in my family. An unexpected layoff or early retirement at any point in time brings with it a lot of anxiety and emotion. It raises serious questions that weigh heavy on your mind… “How can this happen after I’ve … Read more

Not sure where to go in your career?

Not sure in your carrer

I remember when I was growing up our travels would often take us through windy, narrow mountain roads. Now those roads have been turned into four-lane highways that make it easier to get to your destination quicker and more efficiently. Sometimes your career can feel like those old narrow mountain roads. You can’t see the … Read more

Want to take the next step in your career?

Not sure in your carrer

You may be at a stage in your career where you’re not sure what to do next. Maybe you didn’t get that promotion? Maybe you don’t like your boss? Maybe there’s nowhere else to go in your company? The decisions you make in times like these are crucial. You can either stay in a position … Read more

Stuck in your career?


When was the last time you were facing a crossroads in your career? Probably not that long ago. You may be facing one right now. You’re at a point where you have some decisions to make about the course your career will take.  Are you in a dead-end job? Have you found yourself with seemingly nowhere … Read more

8 steps to survive being a “stayer”…

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Your employer has announced layoffs and extended early retirement to a number of employees. You’re among the employees who are not leaving and, at least for now, will remain employed. We often consider the colleagues who are staying the lucky ones, yet, don’t realize that this is an emotional and challenging time for them, too. … Read more

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