Why Your Boss May Be Agitated With You

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“Hard to Find: Workers With Good ‘Soft Skills’,”  was the focus of a recent article published in the Wall Street Journal.  According to this article “companies across the US say it is becoming increasingly difficult to find applicants who can communicate clearly, take initiative, problem-solve and get along with co-workers.”  Other research shows similar trends.  … Read more

Why Your Boss May Be Agitated With You

why your boos is so agitated

“Hard to Find: Workers With Good ‘Soft Skills’,”  was the focus of a recent article published in the Wall Street Journal.  According to this article “companies across the US say it is becoming increasingly difficult to find applicants who can communicate clearly, take initiative, problem-solve and get along with co-workers.”  Other research shows similar trends.  … Read more

Get That Promotion: Step 1 – Strengthen Your Foundation

Vivian Blade, leadership expert, smiling in a professional headshot for her coaching and speaking engagements

I was just reading an interesting article that came out in the June issue of Money Magazine on “The 21 Most Valuable Career Skills Now.”  This article gives you the latest insight into the technical skills employers look for when hiring and promoting employees. Get That Promotion: Step 1 – Strengthen Your Foundation I thought … Read more

Shift Your Mindset

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Losing weight is one of the toughest things to do. If you’re like me, I’m constantly watching my weight and trying to stay healthy.  I try to eat right (most of the time) and exercise just about every day. Several days a week I even walk in the evenings to meet my 10,000 step goal … Read more

Become an Influencer

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Lists of the most influential people in the world are published in magazines such as Time, Esquire, People, and others.  These influencers command a lot of attention and often gain our admiration for what they accomplish.  Influential leaders take on some of the biggest challenges in the world. They often stand up against the status … Read more

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