7 Steps You Can Take Now to Retain Millennial Talent

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“I work to live.”  You’ve probably heard that phrase uttered among millennials you know.  For this generation, working is a means to be able to live the lifestyle they want, which means, they will move to the job that supports their lifestyle. Big jobs and big pay are lesser priorities for many in this generation. … Read more

Honoring “The Greatest”

Muhammad Ali was not only The Greatest, he was the people’s servant.  He was never too big, too powerful, or too rich to be humble, to love and to connect with people world-wide. That is evident by the outpouring of memorials and visitors from all over the world coming to Louisville, KY to honor him … Read more

5 Motivators of Highly Successful People

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Do you often look at the lives of some of the most successful people in the world and wonder how they got there?  What made the difference in their success? I believe my niece Ashley nailed it in her Facebook post: “People see the testimony, but rarely do they realize the tests that had to … Read more

Become an Influencer

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Lists of the most influential people in the world are published in magazines such as Time, Esquire, People, and others.  These influencers command a lot of attention and often gain our admiration for what they accomplish.  Influential leaders take on some of the biggest challenges in the world. They often stand up against the status … Read more

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