5 Tips for a Shockingly Successful Year


Most people set New Year’s resolutions and fresh goals to kick off the new year. They hit the reset button but usually are not adequately equipped to stick it out when the going gets tough. By mid-February, most people have abandoned their New Year’s resolution, losing their early momentum and disappointingly pushing their goals aside. I don’t … Read more

Stop settling and reclaim your professional agency

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One of my coaching clients was dealing with a stressful work environment because of a toxic leader. This leader had been with the company for over twenty years, was politically connected, and was unwilling to receive constructive feedback.  My client, worn down by the negativity and lack of support for her team, eventually gave up … Read more

Victimhood is the greatest threat to your personal and professional agency

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As you build personal resilience, you’re in a better position to inspire collective team and organizational resilience.  However, along the path to resilience there are challenges that all of us must overcome. And these challenges are often out of our control. This can make us feel powerless and alone.  Many years ago when I was … Read more

In Times of Crises, Manage Your Emotions First

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When tough times hit, future uncertainty generates great anxiety. We’re left with countless questions about how to get through this, and even forced to make critical, potentially life-altering decisions.  You may have to act quickly and decisively – even in the face of uncertainty. You’re nervous. You don’t want to make the wrong decisions, which … Read more

Thriving During Unrelenting Crises: Set your course through the rough seas ahead

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What exactly is unrelenting crises? In short, it’s the product of the times we live in. Life moves fast.  We barely get past one crisis before another one comes knocking.   PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) found, in their Global Crisis Survey 2019, among senior executives who had experienced a crisis that “regardless of the nature of that initial … Read more

5 Steps to Surviving a Layoff

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Layoff… You may have been personally impacted or know someone who has. We’ve felt the impact in my family. An unexpected layoff or early retirement at any point in time brings with it a lot of anxiety and emotion. It raises serious questions that weigh heavy on your mind… “How can this happen after I’ve … Read more

Emotional Impact of Change

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[Watch the video here.] During my executive leadership development session, we looked at three factors related to leading change that I know you can benefit from. Ask yourself these questions… First, have you considered how the volume of the change you’re asking employees to juggle is putting significant strain on the wellbeing of your workforce, … Read more

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