Is fear driving your leadership style?

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As human beings, we can sense a threat, and our natural instincts are to react to our emotions. We live with constant uncertainty. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. But as a leader in a crisis, the consequences of getting it wrong are very high for you, your team, and your organization. If fear is … Read more

Embrace the holistic approach to crisis management


Most companies are not preparing their leadership pipeline to lead with resilience. And leaders are not preparing themselves to be resilient. The one thing you hardly hear about when discussing leadership and talent development initiatives is resilience.  That is until there is a crisis.  At that point resilience becomes a common refrain. A crisis by … Read more

Leadership Elasticity: How Resilience Principles Help Us Bounce Back Faster

Resilient Leaders

“Build your resilience before you need it.”– Russell Wilson, NFL Quarterback, Seattle Seahawks Resilience in leaders requires strong will, competent action, humility, and humanity.  Once a crisis is at your doorstep, you have neither the time nor mental state to prepare to be resilient.  You’ve got to be ready.  Resilience Ready leaders know they will … Read more

In Times of Crises, Manage Your Emotions First

Christina Wocintechchat Com Lq1t 8ms5py Unsplash Scaled

When tough times hit, future uncertainty generates great anxiety. We’re left with countless questions about how to get through this, and even forced to make critical, potentially life-altering decisions.  You may have to act quickly and decisively – even in the face of uncertainty. You’re nervous. You don’t want to make the wrong decisions, which … Read more

Thriving During Unrelenting Crises: Set your course through the rough seas ahead

Mimi Thian Vhq0cw2eua Unsplash Scaled

What exactly is unrelenting crises? In short, it’s the product of the times we live in. Life moves fast.  We barely get past one crisis before another one comes knocking.   PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) found, in their Global Crisis Survey 2019, among senior executives who had experienced a crisis that “regardless of the nature of that initial … Read more

It’s Time to Lead with Resilience

Lead With Resilience

It’s no secret that the last year has been a challenge. Many of us have found ourselves adrift and lurching from crisis to crisis.  Work, home, health, isolation. Sometimes it may seem that crisis is the ONLY constant in our lives. In fact, you might be in the middle​ of a crisis right now, and – … Read more

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