Reject The Limitations

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“Your daughter won’t do well in math. She should plan to be a teacher or a secretary.” “Welcome back! Charles was promoted into that role while you were on maternity leave.” “We’d like to see you get more operations experience before you’ll be ready for this position.” These are statements from just a few of … Read more

What Is The Fundamental Career Mistake That May Be Holding You Back?

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Most “up and coming” professionals believe that you have to be the best at ‘getting the job done’. You have to prove yourself… prove that you are the most committed and capable.   You stay absorbed in your work, head down outworking everyone else on your team. While you may be working hard, you may … Read more

Stuck in your career?


When was the last time you were facing a crossroads in your career? Probably not that long ago. You may be facing one right now. You’re at a point where you have some decisions to make about the course your career will take.  Are you in a dead-end job? Have you found yourself with seemingly nowhere … Read more

I’m excited to tell you this

Vivian Blade, leadership expert, smiling in a professional headshot for her coaching and speaking engagements

I am really happy to announce the launch of the new book published by the Association for Talent Development, “Work the Problem: How Experts Tackle Workplace Challenges”. I am a contributing author to the book, my second for ATD, providing expert strategies and advice for leaders and individual contributors. In the book, I talk about career … Read more

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