Ready to Get Unstuck? 2 Actions to Take Now


Keep your vision uppermost in your mind to keep you focused on the most important actions. #ResilienceReady

Do you remember taking a road trip before we had the modern luxury of navigation systems in our vehicles? Unfolding the bulky maps, trying to find your location, wondering if the map was turned the right way, panicking, maybe even debating with a family member over directions? All while driving?

In the dynamic landscape of professional life, the ability to persevere and exhibit resilience is paramount. While Perseverance, the third Resilience Ready Principle, is required when facing challenges, it doesn’t mean you go charging head first, hoping to break through the wall. It requires thoughtful consideration and planning, and a roadmap aligning with personal and organizational goals.

How to Lead with Perseverance

When things seem impossible, how do you find the will to persevere?  In my last article, I introduced these three steps to help you strengthen your perseverance: 1) Set the Environment, 2) Roadmap Your Path Forward, and 3) Take Decisive Action.

In this article we’ll reveal the actions for Step 2) Roadmap Your Path Forward.

Step 2. Roadmap Your Path Forward

While you no longer have to fight that pesky map in the car, no magical voice gives you directions when navigating a workplace challenge. That doesn’t mean you keep chasing your tail like you’re lost. Create a roadmap Ready to Get Unstuck? 2 Actions to Take Now for the path forward. Look ahead. What is your vision for where you’re headed? What will be true about your new reality?

Two action steps will illuminate your path forward:

1. Identify and Narrow Potential Options

When facing uncertainty, it’s easy to become overwhelmed, like you’re in a desert, alone, with not a clue about how to get out of it. A structured problem-solving approach, utilizing tools from disciplines like Project Management or Lean Six Sigma, can be instrumental in identifying and narrowing potential options. The following steps offer guidance:

a)  Start with WHY: Keep your purpose and vision at the forefront. Where are you going and why is that important to you?

b)  Assess Your Current Situation: Focus on the facts, not on the lies that tell you, “I can’t do this” or “We’ll never get through this.”. Define the real problem or challenge.

c)  Explore Potential Options: What can you learn from past experiences? Explore similar experiences and solutions within and outside your area or industry. Make a list of viable paths.

d)  Prioritize Your Options: Assess options based on variables such as effort versus anticipated outcomes. Prioritize options that align with your purpose.

e)  Explore What/If Scenarios: Sometimes what scares and worries you most is making the wrong decision. Consider possible scenarios, risks, and contingency plans to respond to evolving situations.

2. Define Your Next Steps

Once you establish priorities, it’s time to outline action steps to move beyond the initial calculated step. You don’t have to map out A to Z. Start with the next one or two steps to give you some momentum. As you move forward, what you should do next will begin to come into view.

Keep the vision in focus and break down actions into smaller, manageable steps. Establish milestones with rewards to celebrate progress. Implement a pilot on a small scale to learn quickly and minimize risks.

Ready to Get Unstuck?

Whether for yourself personally or for your team, a roadmap helps you get unstuck with direction on how to move forward. Engage your team across this roadmap process. Problem-solving together builds bonds, fosters collective energy and well-being, and generates diverse ideas.

How Can I Help?

I’ve been working with clients on building a culture of resilient perseverance for years. Does your organization need support creating a happy and healthy workplace? Are you unsure how to address a mountain of challenges? Let’s have a conversation. Results-based solutions in solving pressing burnout, turnover, and workplace culture challenges are my specialty. I’m here to help.

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She’s a woman on a mission, prepped and ready to help you create resilient leaders and a workplace that is poised to succeed. Having weathered her fair share of corporate and career crises of all sizes, Vivian Blade MBA, MBB, PMP, is a global leadership expert and thought leader who equips leaders with the resilience that inspires teams to recover quickly in the face of ongoing disruption and thrive in spite of insurmountable odds.

Vivian empowers leaders and organizations as a frequent keynote speaker for association conferences and in delivering transformative leadership development programs, executive coaching and consulting for corporations.

Copyright 2023 Vivian Blade