Is HR’s voice heard in the decision-making in your organization?

In many companies, HR is still viewed as a support rather than as real strategic partner when it comes to the success of the organization.

Because HR is not a direct revenue generator for companies, leaders from other aspects of the business often struggle to grasp its importance or view it through a strategic lens.

Rebranding HR

In a study conducted by Sage, 57% of C-suite executives viewed HR as primarily administrative. Is HR’s voice being heard in the decision? This view of HR is not only frustrating for HR professionals but also limits your ability to provide the necessary input for strategic decision-making. 

With the changing needs around human capital, HR has never been in a better position to shift this perception. Human capital is the greatest asset of any organization, and HR has a critical role in ensuring its effective utilization.

Influence Essentials

Influence is essential for HR professionals to have a strong voice at the decision-making table. 

Your influence potential is based on a framework built around five Influence with SCALE principles: Social Capital, Courage, Authenticity, Leaning-In With Passion, and Engaging a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace Community.

Social Capital

The first principle, Social Capital, emphasizes the importance of building relationships in the workplace. 

Relationship management is a critical skill for HR professionals, and social capital is at the core. Building mutual trust is the foundation for social capital and requires consistent investments in growing relationships.

Be intentional about investing in mutually beneficial relationships with EVERYONE in your organization.


The second influence principle is Courage. Exerting influence can be challenging, and it requires courage to speak up and take action. 

Courageous influence is not about arrogance or trying to convince others that you have all the answers. Instead, it is about being open to different perspectives, opinions, and solutions and working constructively to achieve the best outcomes. 


The third influence principle is Authenticity. Authenticity is critical for building trust and credibility in the workplace. 

Authentic HR professionals are self-aware and conscientious in your interactions with others. You are consistent in your behavior and own your mistakes. You are interested in different perspectives and are driven by a genuine desire to make a positive impact. 

Leaning In With Passion

The fourth influence principle is Leaning In With Passion. Passion inspires HR professionals to strive for excellence and to invest your time and energy in what you believe is essential. Passion sparks curiosity, a thirst for learning, and a desire to make a meaningful contribution. Connect with your “why” and lean into your work with a focus on achieving the best possible outcomes for your team and organization.

Engaging a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace Community

The final influence principle is Engaging a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace Community. This principle involves expanding your circle to include individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. It requires proactively enhancing your knowledge of the members of your community and building a tribe around a common purpose. Is HR’s voice being heard at the decision HR professionals need to be committed to unleashing community influence and sharing power across your team.

SCALE Your Influence

By adopting these principles and strategies, HR professionals can elevate your influence and positioning as trusted advisors and sought-after strategic partners in your organizations. 

Are you ready to elevate your influence? I’ll show you how in the latest episode of my podcast. Listen to Influence Essentials for HR: Elevate Your Value now.


She’s a woman on a mission, prepped and ready to help you create resilient leaders and a workplace that is poised to succeed. Having weathered her fair share of corporate and career crises of all sizes, Vivian Blade MBA, MBB, PMP, is a global leadership expert and thought leader who equips leaders with the resilience that inspires teams to recover quickly in the face of ongoing disruption and thrive in spite of insurmountable odds.

Vivian empowers leaders and organizations as a frequent keynote speaker for association conferences and in delivering transformative leadership development programs, executive coaching and consulting for corporations.

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