5 Non-Negotiable Priorities to Make 2023 the Best Year Ever

“Do we have it right?”

That’s a question you, and other leaders in your organization are asking yourselves. You may not say it out loud, but you’re thinking it.

2023 is here, full of uncertainty for what’s ahead. As you turn the calendar to a new year, you’d like to turn the page to a new chapter. Put the old behind and start anew. How you begin the year sets the tone for the months to come.  

In this environment of never-normal, 5 Non-Negotiable Priorities. I want to make sure you get it right. 2023 can be your best year ever! 

Your path to an awesome 2023 begins with making sure you’re on top of your game. These five strategic priorities are keys to a great year ahead.  

5 Non-Negotiable Priorities for 2023

Human Resources Value Creation

HR – This is your year! You’re well positioned to champion capacity building for growth within your organization. But, it won’t be easy. There are big gaps in perceptions around HRs real influence within many organizations. So, step up. Take the lead on ensuring your organization has the purpose, talent, leadership, structure, capabilities, and human-centered culture to thrive. 

Leader Effectiveness

The more things change, the more some things stay the same… Unfortunately. Still, the biggest reasons people are quitting their jobs, or “quiet quitting”, are due to a bad boss and a toxic culture. It’s time to fix this by building better leaders. Gartner suggests that if you want to retain employees, human-centric leaders must emerge.

Consistently Deliver a Positive Employee Lifecycle

Delivering a paycheck isn’t enough to keep your best and brightest anymore. Organizations need to invest in improving the complete working lifecycle for employees. This starts right at talent acquisition and onboarding, and continues through creating career experiences, investing in employee training and upskilling, and creating a day-to-day work environment where employees want to be and feel valued.

The Future of Work

Remote and flexible work environments are here to stay. Focus on workplace accessibility from ANYWHERE, rather than who’s physically in the office from eight to five every day. Leaders who are better skilled at leading in an ever-evolving, hybrid work environment and connecting employees to a meaningful purpose will build much stronger teams over the short and longer term.

Organizational Resilience & Agility

Rapid change and adversity exacerbate the chaos and the overwhelm individual team members experience, especially when it feels like you’re constantly in firefighting mode. Creating greater resilience and adaptability across every level of the organization will create a more nimble culture that is ready to anticipate and not merely react.

HR’s Call to Action

Human Resources – engage the leaders in your organization around these priorities. How are these strategic areas impacting your organization? What are the implications? And, most importantly, what will you do about them?

You can also catch an overview of these non-negotiable priorities, and the top trends driving them, in the recent episode of my new podcast, GGG Unleashed: Better Leaders, Better Workplaces. Listen here.

In upcoming podcast episodes, I’ll be digging into these priorities with specific strategies to better position your organization for profitable growth.

And, be sure to subscribe to the Geeks Geezers Googlization podcast so you won’t miss any of my and other Googlization Nation episodes. 


She’s a woman on a mission, prepped and ready to help you create resilient leaders and a workplace that is poised to succeed. Having weathered her fair share of corporate and career crises of all sizes, Vivian Blade MBA, MBB, PMP, is a global leadership expert and thought leader who equips leaders with the resilience that inspires teams to recover quickly in the face of ongoing disruption and thrive in spite of insurmountable odds.

Vivian empowers leaders and organizations as a frequent keynote speaker for association conferences and in delivering transformative leadership development programs, executive coaching and consulting for corporations.

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