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HR’s Silent Struggle:

Gaining Ground & Influence 

Meet Special Guest, Michele Fantt Harris

Date: August 24, 2023
Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm EST

HR mostly takes care of recruiting, hiring, and compliance stuff. They’re usually not involved in solving the day-to-day problems and needs within the business.

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Have you heard this comment?

Even in this environment of unprecedented change, HR is often not invited to the table where significant strategic decisions are being made. The credibility required to influence the direction of the organization is often missing. Business leaders by and large are not connecting the dots regarding HR’s role in defining important business strategy. In fact, studies show that HR is experiencing declines in perceived effectiveness in their roles post-COVID. According to the McLean & Company 2023 HR Trends Report, only 40%, not even half, of non-HR professionals perceive HR as Highly Effective overall. And when you consider specific job functions, the perception of HR’s effectiveness has remained practically unchanged.

Yet, as companies struggle to successfully navigate the Future of Work, HR’s role is critical to lead organizations through the uncertainty of what’s to come.

How does HR get that strategic seat at the table? And when you pull up, how do you show up in ways that strengthen your influence and impact? 

Learning Objectives

You’ll walk away with:

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Lessons learned from an experienced, highly successful HR Executive

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Proven strategies on how to show up as the strategic HR partner business leaders respect

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Your questions answered live on how to earn your strategic Seat at the Table

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Recognized as one of Engagedly’s Top 100 Global HR Influencers and one of the most influential HR voices by Nestor, Vivian Blade is a sought-after leadership expert and thought leader. She works with the world’s top brands to build better, more resilient workplaces, equipping leaders to solve the pressing burnout, turnover, and workplace culture challenges your company is struggling with right now.

Vivian’s impact is felt as a frequent keynote speaker, Amazon best-selling author, and in delivering transformative leadership development programs, executive and team coaching, and corporate consulting.

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