HR leader of the future: 3 skills you must master


When I worked for GE a few years ago, my colleagues talked me into running the Triple Crown races – a 5K, 10-miler, and half or full marathon as part of the KY Derby Festival events. I ran the half-marathon – 13.1 miles, and actually ran the whole thing! [Thank you very much!]

The mini-marathon course definitely has its share of what I would call headwinds. Headwinds are the challenges that hit you like a strong force… you have to dig deep to push through. The hills in Iroquois Park several miles into the race felt like a giant headwind. I’m running up those hills and chanting to myself, “I think I Can, I think I Can,” like ‘The Little Engine That Could’! Then I finally reached the top of the last hill. Yes! Now I could let the momentum of running downhill help push me along for a little while. Those are the tailwinds – the environment around you helps to push you forward. HR leader of the future: 3 skills you must master You can ride the wave… but only for a little while.

Shifting Demands on HR… Are you Ready?

In today’s business environment, you’re feeling the headwinds. Everything is changing right now, and HR is right in the middle of it. 

HR leader of the future: 3 skills you must master

Are there days you come in to work and feel like… ok, another day with mountains to climb!? Is that starting to feel like every day?

Your organization is facing headwinds unlike it’s experienced before… from the explosion of AI and digitization to global economic instability to the war for talent. Leaders are trying to figure it out and looking to HR to help solve them. The demands on HR are greater than they’ve been before and require a shift in how HR professionals approach their roles. Are you prepared to step up? Are you ready?

Future-Proof Your Career: 3 Essential Skills

During my recent HR Indiana SHRM Annual Conference workshop, I addressed these challenges and revealed three critical areas of expertise that are essential for HR leaders to master: 1. Future of Work, 2. People & Culture, and 3. Courageous Influence.

1) Future of Work: Embrace Disruption

Continuous disruption of the ‘work’, how work gets done, your workplace, and your workforce is driving the need for organizations to adapt swiftly to changing conditions.  HR leaders must understand how these trends are reshaping your organizations and guide your teams through the complexities of this “never-normal” environment.

2) People & Culture: Build a Human-Centered Workplace

I was recently catching up with a former colleague. When I asked her how things were going, she responded, “I think they still care about me. The moment they don’t, I’m out.” People have more choices today. Understanding people and building a human-centered culture is your second area of expertise.

As the war for talent intensifies, organizations must focus on creating a culture where people feel valued, connected, and empowered. A human-centered approach to the talent lifecycle moves beyond traditional company-focused processes to elevating the needs and expectations of employees. This approach is built on six pillars: Cultivate, Connect, Care, Contribute, Close, and Champion. (See my article: Reengineering Talent Retention: A New Lifecycle Model) The result? Individuals are not only engaged but also motivated to contribute to the organization’s success. Organizations that fail to prioritize a human-centered culture risk losing top talent to competitors.

3) Courageous Influence: Lead with Impact

Influence is a crucial yet often underappreciated skill for HR leaders. In an environment where business leaders may not fully understand the strategic value of HR, it is essential for HR professionals to step out of their silos and become integral partners in shaping the organization’s future. 

This level of influence not only enhances HR’s credibility but also positions HR as a driving force behind organizational success. When HR is recognized as a core component of the business strategy, the impact on business outcomes—such as revenue growth, profitability, and innovation—can be substantial.

Rise to the Challenge

HR leaders, you’re called to rise to the challenge of leading your organizations through uncharted territory. By mastering the future of work, cultivating a strong people-focused organizational culture, and exercising courageous influence, you can drive transformative change and ensure your organizations not only survive but thrive as you navigate the headwinds of today’s business environment.

Need some support equipping your HR team for the Future of Work? We can help! Let’s have a conversation.


She’s a woman on a mission, prepped and ready to help you create resilient leaders and a workplace that is poised to succeed. Having weathered her fair share of corporate and career crises of all sizes, Vivian Blade MBA, MBB, PMP, is a global leadership expert and thought leader who equips leaders with the resilience that inspires teams to recover quickly in the face of ongoing disruption and thrive in spite of insurmountable odds.

Vivian empowers leaders and organizations as a frequent keynote speaker for association conferences and in delivering transformative leadership development programs, executive coaching and consulting for corporations.

Copyright 2023 Vivian Blade