You have what it takes to be successful. Sometimes you just have to tell fear to step aside and tell the negative voices inside your head they are not welcome.
At times, those negative voices come from other people. Sometimes people mean well and don’t realize the damper they are putting on your dreams. Let go of the white noise; in one ear and out the other.
Never doubt your capabilities!
You can make the required mental shift and find the courage to move forward through the challenges and uncertainties you’re facing right now. What matters are the little decisions you make and the small steps you take toward making change happen.
Everyone approaches a challenge in their lives differently. Your personality, behavioral drives, and life experiences all contribute to how you see the world and work through change. You don’t have to try to be somebody else.
The road to building your personal resilience muscle requires awareness, intention, and commitment to the ongoing effort it’s going to take to get there.
Yes, you can get there. But, where do you start? Read on to find out how.
Step 1. Identify and address the obstacles to becoming Resilience Ready
Every adventure starts with a first step. Now is the time to take yours. But before you get started you need to know where you currently stand in order to map out a path to change.
You must identify and prioritize the specific obstacles that need to be addressed in order to begin deepening your personal resilience skill.
Complete the Resilience Ready Self-Assessment to identify where you currently stand in your resilience readiness and the factors that may be standing in your way.
For information on taking the report-based version of the self-assessment or to bring the assessment to your team, contact Vivian at
Step 2. Take action toward becoming Resilience Ready
Everyone is different, and your experience and needs through a crisis will vary. Discover areas across the five Resilience Ready Principles that would help strengthen your resilience right now.
Engage a mentor or executive coach to help you explore ideas and keep you accountable.
Step 3. Practice the Resilience Ready Principles
Identify opportunities to integrate Resilience Ready Principles into your life and leadership practice.
Align your practice of these principles to your personality, values, leadership style, and needs. Be intentional about putting the principles and strategies into practice without expecting everything to go perfectly.
Step 4. Reflect and adjust
Reflect on the outcomes of your practice. Was the result what you expected? What would you repeat or do differently next time? Retake the self-assessment to see how your resilience readiness has evolved. Commit to ongoing learning, development, and practice.
Take Your First Step
Believe that building personal resilience is possible for you. It’s a process. And, the four steps outlined above will put you on the path to where you want to be starting today.
You also need to give yourself some grace for the imperfection you’ll experience as you learn, practice, and adapt the resilience principles to any given crisis you face.
What are you waiting for?
If you have questions about this or any other articles – please feel free to contact me directly at
You can also visit https://ResilienceReady.Today to learn more.