5 Tips for a Shockingly Successful Year

Most people set New Year’s resolutions and fresh goals to kick off the new year. They hit the reset button but usually are not adequately equipped to stick it out when the going gets tough. By mid-February, most people have abandoned their New Year’s resolution, losing their early momentum and disappointingly pushing their goals aside. I don’t want that to happen to you.

How can you improve your odds of success?

To kick off the year strong, I’m sharing with you 5 tips that will help you move beyond making that wayward annual resolution to actually realizing them and achieving even greater success in 2022. And, I’m giving you rapid start action steps that can help you mobilize these tips today.

So, let’s get started.

Tip #1. Discover Your Purpose

What’s your ‘why’? Set goals that connect to something meaningful to you and allow you to live with purpose. Focus on how you can make a difference within your circle or your community. You’ll be more likely to stick with it. 

For example, if one of your new year’s goals is to lose weight, like so many people, including myself, identify why that’s so important. For me, when I’m at my ideal weight, I’m healthier and I feel better. And then I have the energy I need to invest in helping my clients achieve greater success for themselves.

2-Minute Take Action:

What are your goals for the year? And why are they important to accomplish? Connect your ‘what’ with your ‘why’. Write it down. 

Tip #2 Adopt an Optimistic Outlook

Believe that ‘you can’ achieve the goals you have set! But, you’ve got to be aware of the negative stories in your own head, and the pessimism from others around you, that are telling you that ‘you can’t’. They’re holding you back. Refuse to listen to those stories. Replace the negativity with faith and a belief in what is possible. And let your purpose from Tip #1 fuel your spirit.

2-Minute Take Action:

Write down the “I can’t” stories that are getting in your way. Then ball that piece of paper up and throw it, along with those limiting beliefs, away.

Tip #3 Create Optimal Conditions for Success

Success doesn’t come easy. You’ve got to put yourself in the position to persevere through the bumps. How do you do that? Two things I want you to remember. First, my mother taught my siblings and I that you have to take care of yourself first. Invest in your personal wellbeing. It’s so important. Set the stage physically, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically for success. 

Secondly, my father taught us to plan your work and work your plan. Write down the action steps you need to take. And, track your progress. A productivity app like Todoist, which is one that I use, is a great tool for this.

2-Minute Take Action:

Make a list of ways that you are creating optimal conditions for your success. What could you do differently to set the stage for greater progress?

Tip #4 Don’t Go It Alone

Embrace the concept of partnership – reaching out to people and resources that can help you. To get to the goal line on those resolutions, you’ll experience ups and downs. There will be days when you feel like throwing in the towel. But don’t quit! Reach out for support when the going gets tough. There are people in your circle, including me, who are routing for your success. 

My family and close friends are always there for me, but I have to share with them what I’m trying to accomplish so they know how to help. My friends and colleagues in the professional associations I belong to, like the National Speakers Association, the Association for Talent Development, and the Society for Human Resource Management, or a bible study group, are great confidants and resources, too.

People have ideas or access to resources that could be beneficial to your progress. You don’t have to be the superhero. In fact, if you think about it, even superheroes have sidekicks.

2-Minute Take Action:

List the people who would be willing to come alongside you to encourage your progress. What other resources would be helpful? What community or professional networks would be supportive? 

Tip #5. Give Yourself Some Grace

There are days when you’ve made really good progress and other days when you wish you could rewind the clock and try it again. Who can be knocking it out of the park 100% of the time? No one does. So, don’t beat yourself up when you missed your workout for the third day in a row, or that promotion didn’t come exactly when you had hoped. If you are blessed with another day, you get another shot at it. 

Recognize and appreciate those small milestones and the effort it’s taken to get to where you are today. That’s progress. And don’t be shy, celebrate it! The small successes add up. When you celebrate them, it keeps you motivated.

2-Minute Take Action:

Reflect back on the progress you’ve made on your goal so far. Write down what you have accomplished compared to where you started. 

It’s Your Time!

The new year is a great time for a fresh start. You can pause to consider what you want to accomplish in the year ahead. And this is your year to make it happen! Push aside the fear. Throw away the limiting beliefs. Surround yourself with optimism and people who want the best for you. And celebrate along the journey. 

It’s your time!

Want to learn more? Visit https://ResilienceReady.Today

If you could use one-on-one support, contact me. I’m here to help.


She’s a woman on a mission, prepped and ready to help you create resilient leaders and a workplace that is poised to succeed. Having weathered her fair share of corporate and career crises of all sizes, Vivian Blade MBA, MBB, PMP, is a global leadership expert and thought leader who equips leaders with the resilience that inspires teams to recover quickly in the face of ongoing disruption and thrive in spite of insurmountable odds.

Vivian empowers leaders and organizations as a frequent keynote speaker for association conferences and in delivering transformative leadership development programs, executive coaching and consulting for corporations.

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